Background: Why a mission to Belize
Cacao (cocoa) is an indigenous crop in Belize but its commercial development dates back only a few decades ago. Production is concentrated mainly in the South of the country by smallholders with annual production levels of around 100 Mt. The cocoa produced in this way is valued as a fine-flavoured product fetching a premium price in world markets. A small proportion of the cocoa is being locally processed and marketed under local brand names by nine small Belizean chocolate producers. Most of this is consumed locally, but some is exported to the US. World demand for cocoa, in particular the organic fine flavour cocoa, which Belize produces, is quickly expanding due to shifting consumer preference and emerging markets like China. Given the growing demand on the world market for fine-flavoured cocoa, there is a strong case for expanding production, both at smallholder level as well as by larger scale estates. In addition, further development of locally produced chocolate and chocolate products is requiring more attention and signals opportunities for further value addition. Objectives of the mission: The overall purpose of the mission is to examine areas of cooperation and assistance to further the development of the cocoa and chocolate industry in Belize. The main objectives of the mission are outlined hereafter:
Cacao related trade, investment and cooperation interests Belize has a vibrant economy with tourism and agricultural production as its two main pillars. Agriculture includes traditional commodities such as sugar, bananas and citrus with emerging commodities of grains, pulses, livestock, poultry and fruits amongst others. Foreign investment is highly welcomed and the Government of Belize has developed an enabling environment for foreign investors with incentives and facilities. The Belize Trade and Investment Development Service (BELTRAIDE) is instrumental in assisting interested investors in all aspects of establishment. Another conducive factor is the continuous stable economic and political situation of Belize. There is profound interest in the development and expansion of Belize's cocoa production under the following Government considerations:
Mission activities at a Glance BELTRAIDE will develop a detailed programme based on the interests of participants and provide in-country transportation and logistical support including advice on hotel accommodations and the organization of the following:
Selection Process:
BELTRAIDE and the Embassy of Belize, Brussels, will be reviewing each application for the trade and investment mission including individual and company background as well as the specified business interest in Belize. Given logistics on the ground, an ideal mission size would be 10 - 15 individuals. Selection will be based on a first come first serve basis. Note that further details will be provided to each applicant for the mission closer to the date of the mission. We look forward to seeing you in Belize!
BELTRAIDE and the Embassy of Belize, Brussels, will be reviewing each application for the trade and investment mission including individual and company background as well as the specified business interest in Belize. Given logistics on the ground, an ideal mission size would be 10 - 15 individuals. Selection will be based on a first come first serve basis. Note that further details will be provided to each applicant for the mission closer to the date of the mission. We look forward to seeing you in Belize!